Name -
Mitch Smith
Age -
Location -
timezone -
Tell us about yourself -
Well, i am a college student currently studying Computing and Graphic design. i have been playing wow for just over 4 years now and for 3 of them years i have been on Private servers. i am often down the skate park with friends when i am not at college/playing games. As i have played wow for such a long time, i grow bored of just killing people, and about 2 years ago i started being a Game Master, and i loved it. Its the only thing that keeps wow interesting for me, the fact i can help people and a server as a whole.
how much experience do you have as a GM? -
I have about 2 years of on/off expirance and i have been GM of servers when they were in the top 10.
Have you ever been GM on any other server(s) -
(this follows question #6) tell us why you left that server or servers -
the reason i left my first server was due to the owner couldn't afford to run it any more and was forced to shut down.
my next server which i was Head GM of had to shut down due to population issues.
and my most recent server i was forced to Retire due to heavy studying for my college exams.
how much time can you dedicate to the server?
on weekdays i can dedicate roughly 9-12 hours and weekends its 12+ hours
what are your strongest skills in Private Servers -
Firstly i can keep my temper even when i have a group of people Flaming me, i am just starting to learn about Programming in college so as the year goes on my knowlege of that will increase. I know alot of the bugs which servers have and i can tell when a player is Abusing them, i know almost all GM commands off by heart and if i forget one i still have all my GM notes which contain every single command. I also know a phew fun events which help bring players to the server and i listen to the community.
Well that is all. Thanks for taking your time to read my application, if you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
Thanks again.